Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Jerdon and our commercial construction services?

Read through our Frequently Asked Questions—but when it doubt, don’t hesitate to contact one of our customer service representatives today!

Ron Jerdon founded Jerdon Construction Services in 2011 with 35+ years experience in commercial construction.

We’ll move a door or build you a multi-million dollar project. Jerdon Construction performs projects in a wide range of sizes.

Within a 75 mile radius of the Lehigh Valley.

Commercial construction projects of all sizes, including demolition, renovations, additions and design/build.

We are a local, experienced, honest and reputable contractor with a main office in the Lehigh Valley.

Yes. Our in-house staff performs demolition, concrete, carpentry, framing, drywall, ceilings, doors, frames & hardware. It’s how we deliver high quality projects fast.

A construction manager functions primarily as an owner’s representative overseeing projects through management and oversight. At times the owner or developer contracts them directly. A general contractor is typically selected through a bidding process. Oftentimes providing management oversight and a self performing portion of the project. At times contracted through the owner, architect or construction manager.

Regardless of where you are in the planning process, it is beneficial to involve Jerdon Construction in your planning as early as possible. We provide constructibility, budgeting and design guidance so you can build the project that fits your needs and budget requirements.

Project durations are dependent upon the work involved and permitting/inspections that may or may not be required. While timelines vary, we can provide you with professional guidance to streamline your project.

Jerdon Construction can walk you through the process of developing any required drawings needed in the most cost effective and timely manner.

Design-build is a project approach where the CM/GC plays an integral part in developing the project design. Afterwards, they’ll move right into the building phase of the project. This approach maximizes coordination and planning in a collaborative method that usually involves the architect, owner and engineers.

Value engineering is the process of identifying alternate materials and designs that result in cost savings without compromising on the key quality and design components the owner desires.

Turn Key means all aspects of a project are included, from initial design through construction final finishes and pre-occupancy cleaning. This results in an occupancy-ready facility for the owner.

Costs associated with pre-construction services vary based on the project scope and size. For larger projects, we typically assess a pre-construction fee with the option of waving it when the project moves forward with Jerdon.

It’s often ideal for Jerdon Construction to apply for all required permits. We have strong relationships with many municipalities, so we can often expedite and streamline permitting approvals.

The owner always has the opportunity to recommend subcontractors. We have very strong relationships with subcontractors throughout the region and are very successful in assembling the best subcontractor team to meet the project and owner requirements.

Our staff are highly experienced in indentifying conditions that may impact a construction project. Sometimes there are unforseen occurrences. When this happens, we identify and recommend the most cost effective and expeditious means to address them with minimal, if any, impact to the project.

We have strong relationships with numerous, qualified subcontractors throughout the region. Additionally, we have strong buying power to obtain excellent pricing from material providers. We also utilize working superintendents that provide owners with project oversight and self performance of work at no additional cost to the owner.

A guaranteed maximum price, also known as GMP, is a contract approach where the project budget is determined prior to many details being finalized. The contractor agrees to perform the work while the design is being completed and not to exceed the maximum price agreed upon.

While a project progresses, we utilize a cost tracking system that monitors costs incurred as projects move forward. We make every attempt to stay within the budget allocated for each aspect of the project.

We provide project supervision on every project we perform. It provides additional assurance for the owner that projects are coordinated well, completed efficiently, safely and to a high level of quality.

We stand behind our work. All projects come with a one year full warranty on labor and material warranties as provided by material manufacturers.

Jerdon Construction has an impeccable safety record in an industry that is prone to accidents. We have well established safety policies and a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certified safety committee. We have a close alliance with local OSHA representatives and conduct daily, weekly and monthly safety training for all of our staff. All of our employees have completed the certified OSHA 10 hour safety course and all superintendents have completed the OSHA 30 hour safety course.