Jerdon Construction was tasked with the MRI replacement project at the Fountain Hill campus of St. Lukes University Health Network. The project included ICRA demolition of the radiation shielding that lined the walls of the MRI center that did not meet the requirements for the new MRI machine. Safety precautions were taken when setting equipment on the roof because it was located over the Emergency Room area. An exterior wall was removed for access during removal and installation of new MRI equipment.

The project was completed in six phases over a three month period while the facility remained fully operational. The project required extensive coordination with different subcontractors directly working for Jerdon Construction Services along with hospital supplied vendors.

Project Highlights

  • 3,000 SF MRI replacement & room Upgrades.
  • Required ICRA (Infection Control Risk Assessment) measures in place.
  • Project completed in six phases.
  • Some work performed in double shifts to keep the project on schedule.